As you grow and evolve, you learn to adjust to the changes.

Consultation Services


Group Consultation

I run consultation groups for Utah licensed clinicians who currently work with trans, non-binary, gender expansive, and gender diverse clients (TGNCNB). This is also a space for folks to seek guidance as they build their understanding of working with these client populations.

Next round of group consultation begins in mid January 2024.

Sliding Scale Options

A portion of payment will be donated as time towards providing reduced fee & pro-bono gender affirmation surgery letter evaluations (when available).



If you are interested in formal supervision for hours towards licensure, please reach out to me directly to inquire about my availability for ongoing support and supervision. I am available to supervise associate clinical mental health counselors, psychology residents, and certified social workers.

Please note that per DOPL regulations, I am not able to supervise associate marriage & family therapists.

Please inquire about rates.


Individual Consultation

For mental health professionals who are looking for a deeper exploration of your clinical work, I offer custom consultation for individual clinicians.

Topics of specialization include transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse clients; gender affirming letter writing support and consultation.

Feminist theory and therapy; queer theory and therapy; women identified clients in positions of power (executive, c-suite, high achievers, etc…) and/or non-traditional gender roles.

Starting at $170/hour



I present on a range of LGBTQ+ related topics, with special emphasis on working with Transgender and Non-binary individuals.

Please visit A Path Towards for more information


“The older I get the more I realize that it is important to know the difference between when I should speak and when I should listen. I am not well-versed in many subjects that I care about so I listen and read to those who are.”

— Roxane Gay, When To Speak, When To Listen